LebensPhasenHaus (LPH)

Somfy GmbH

Competence Center Archaeometry - Baden-Wuerttemberg (CCA-BW)

Christoph Berthold / Universität Tübingen

Mobile Activity Lab (MAL)

Michael Feaux / Universität Tübingen

LebensPhasenHaus (LPH)

Somfy GmbH

WELCOME TO THE LEBENSPHASENHAUS How do we want to live in the future? This is what is being worked on in the LebensPhasenHaus. Together with you. Touch it and try things out. Discover, discuss and help design the future. Join us – we look forward to meeting you.

LebensPhasenHaus (LPH)

Competence Center Archaeometry - Baden-Wuerttemberg (CCA-BW)

Christoph Berthold / Universität Tübingen

At the University of Tuebingen a new Center of Competence will be established in the field of "Material Sciences of Archaeometry" which is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research & Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg, the company Helmut Fischer GmbH in Sindelfingen and the Excellence Initiative of the University of Tuebingen.


Mobile Activity Lab (MAL)

Michael Feaux / Universität Tübingen

Regular physical activity is the easiest way to protect yourself from many diseases. The question of why some people exercise more frequently and others less or not at all has been on the scientific agenda for quite some time.

Mobile Activity Lab (MAL)