As the point of contact for enquiries about joint ventures, the University of Tuebingen’s Industry Liaison Office identifies and links up partners as well as presenting different ways in which science and industry can work together.
As part of being named a University for Excellence, the University of Tuebingen set up the Liaison Office to establish frameworks. We have been supporting joint ventures with industrial businesses since 2013. One of our aims is to inform scientists about the potential industrial usability of their research. Furthermore, we promote the continuous cooperation between industry and science. An important element of this is representing the interests of both parties efficiently with a minimum of bureaucracy, whilst focussing on the project goals. From the first contact, to the evaluation of the requirements and the execution of the project the Industry Liaison Office is there to support both the business and the scientists.
Additionally, by establishing the Liaison Office at the Tuebingen Research Campus, the linking of projects with research and/or the service departments of Tuebingen’s independent research institutions can be more easily initiated and better managed. By bringing together leading research institutes such as the Max Planck Society, the Helmholtz Association and the Leibniz Association the Tuebingen Research Campus has created a strong research and interest group association with a signal effect in the region. The Liaison Office’s role in this association is providing assistance in paving the way for initiating contact with industry and by supporting projects.